Error: Unable to Determine Fieldmaker Database ID when Retrieving Grants from DonorCentral
  • 16 Mar 2023
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Error: Unable to Determine Fieldmaker Database ID when Retrieving Grants from DonorCentral

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Article summary

When retrieving grants from DonorCentral to FIMS an error occurs, "Error: Unable to determine FieldMaker database id."

Steps To Duplicate:
1) Log into FIMS
2) Go to Grants Module
3) Click on the Import Grants button
4) Box appears and select a recommendation
5) Click on create application

This issue occurred due to the FIMS database name being changed. To resolve, do the following:

Re-commit FieldMaker making sure that all other users are logged out of FIMS. The only user who should be logged in is the person committing Fieldmaker.

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