Export Grant Information Export does not Output Organization Name
  • 31 May 2023
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Export Grant Information Export does not Output Organization Name

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Article summary

When using the Export Grant Information Export the grantee's organization name does not output in the export even though on the grantee profile there is an organization name. This occurs when exporting historical grant applications that were originally imported into FIMS for existing grantees.

Steps To Duplicate:
1. Go to Reports\Grants\Export Grant Information
2. Run the export with any needed parameters
3. Note in the results the organization name for the grantee does not appear.
This is due to the organization name not being on the contact tab of the grant application itself which is caused by incorrect configuration of the grant import of the contact radial button. On the grant import\contact radial button if this is set to None, it will overwrite a blank value for the org name on the grant application even though on the grantee profile the org name is there. This option below for Org Name needs to be set to From Profile not None:

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