  • 22 Dec 2024
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Overview - FieldMaker

FieldMaker is a powerful, easy-to-use tool that adds new information fields to the FIMS database and allows you to extend the data contained in FIMS so that it exactly reflects your practices and procedures. FieldMaker can add a scrolling page of fields to any major table, including Funds, Gifts, Donors, Pledges, Grants, Grantees, Students, or the main Profile record.

The fields can be any data type (numeric, character, date, or logical), and can be presented on-screen in a variety of field formats, including short or long text fields, codes with lookups, dates, checkboxes (yes / no), or radio buttons (for mutually exclusive choices).

The fields will appear on a separate tabbed page next to a logically related page of your choice. The tab of this Plus Page is marked with a plus sign (+). The Plus Page will scroll, so you can add a virtually unlimited number of fields.

The new fields are automatically added to the Sort and Selection lists of all standard FIMS reports. A FieldMaker field can be used like any other to filter a report. The database relationship between the new fields and the parent record is simple and direct, so the additional data can also be easily included in Crystal Reports.

The process of adding fields with FieldMaker is easy. Create a FieldMaker table (also known as a FieldMaker file) linked with a FIMS table, configure and label your choice of fields, and arrange them on the page. For code fields, enter an initial list of valid codes and add to it at any time. FieldMaker handles all back-end processes of database modification: creating new tables and fields in the database, generating source code for triggers and viewers, creating new records, and maintaining report selection and sorting lists.

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