FIMS is slow for only specific usernames
  • 07 Feb 2023
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FIMS is slow for only specific usernames

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Article summary

For only certain users, FIMS may be slow opening modules, running reports, or inputting data.

The quickest solution is to create a new username for the affected user to log in with however you may lose settings specific to that user.

This issue typically occurs when the user has a data grid in some module in FIMS that is pulling a lot of data and is not optimized. To improve performance for the user in question, set the data grids that pull in large amounts of data to optimized.

You will need to troubleshoot where exactly the slowness occurs to find the data grid. For example, determine if the slowness occurs in only a certain module and if so, find out what is the default data grid that the user is using for that module and tab and if that data grid full or optimized.

Optimized Data Grid Views

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