FIMS on Host*Net Migration to NPact's Azure Cloud
  • 27 Jun 2023
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FIMS on Host*Net Migration to NPact's Azure Cloud

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Article summary

Host*Net FIMS is Migrating to NPact's Microsoft Azure Cloud Environment 

FIMS on Host*Net is moving from Blackbaud systems to NPact’s Microsoft Azure cloud environment starting on 5/22/2023. Please see the information below for specific facts and information about the new Azure environment.  

Information on Changes with the Move to NPact's Azure Cloud

  • Every FIMS Host*Net customer will be migrated from Host*Net by June 30, 2023. In order to accomplish this, our team will be completing the migrations in phases.
  • To minimize disruption, the migration will occur after normal business hours and will require six hours of downtime for the migrated system.  All other customers will not be affected during this window.  The anticipated downtime will be from 6 pm-12 pm ET. Please note, if you are on the west coast, we will start your migration after your business day is complete.
  • Following the FIMS migration, Team NPact will migrate DonorCentral to its Azure environment later this summer – details about that process and how to prepare your community users will be shared in early June.
  • The current solution admin role will no longer exist in NPact's Azure Cloud, meaning that there will be no admin person who can add and remove users from NPact's Azure Cloud as you currently do in Host*Net. 
  • After the migration if a user needs to be added or removed from NPact's Azure Cloud you will need to create a support case. The request to add or remove users must come from an organization administrator. 
  • Users will be able to reset their own passwords and configure MFA.
  • NPact Azure will not be using BBID, it will use new Azure accounts. 
  • Your current BBID account will no longer work in NPact Azure. All users will have an username.
  • Users will not get an email box for their username, it is just for logging into their hosted FIMS instance. 
  • If a Host*Net user currently has access to more than one Host*Net environment, the user will be given a specific username and password for each environment.  
  • FIMS username and password will not change.


  • The org admin for the foundation will be given a list of all current Host*Net users prior to the migration date. 
  • The org admin will need to advise if those current users are correct or if some should be added or deleted.
  • Based on that feedback, we will then create new accounts for those users in the new NPact Azure environment. 
  • Once the NPact Azure Accounts have been created, the new Azure usernames will be given to the org admin to distribute to users.
  • After your site has gone live in NPact Azure your users will log into the new Azure environment using these instructions:

 How to access FIMS on NPact's Azure Cloud 

 Common Questions: 

  • How are new users added after migration? Please have an org admin create a support case to request adding a user. 
  • How are users deleted after migration? Please have an org admin create a support case to request deleting a user. 
  • How do users change their passwords? Users can manage their own passwords on the Azure log in screen.
  • How do users manage MFA? Users configure their own MFA upon log in.
  • My Host*Net account is currently associated with my BBID which is my email address. Will my email address be associated with the new Azure account? No, your current email address that you use with BBID will not be associated with your Azure account.
  • My BBID is associated with other Blackbaud products, will I still be able to log into Blackbaud systems after the Host*Net migration? Yes, you will still be able to log into other Blackbaud products using BBID. Your BBID is not being affected or removed, it is just being disassociated from Host*Net. 
  • Will my BBID still work for DonorCentral? Yes, your BBID will still work for DonorCentral. We will be migrating DonorCentral to NPact Azure later in 2023 and there will be separate communications on that migration. For now, DonorCentral still uses BBID. 
  • Will Microsoft Office be added back into Host*Net or do I need to continue to use Microsoft Office on my local computer? We are working towards adding this feature. 
  • Why can’t I use my BBID email for Host*Net? NPact Azure operates under the domain thus accounts logging into that environment need to be an account in that domain and cannot use other email addresses 
  • What is the time out for My Files and FIMS in NPact Azure before those applications close? The time out for FIMS and My Files in NPact Azure is 30 minutes.
  • How do I copy files back and forth between local C drive and Azure S drive? You will copy files between the local drive and the S drive the same way as before in My Files. 
  • How do I scan documents or save documents to fund or profile folders in Azure? This will work in NPact Azure as it currently works in Host*Net.
  • How do I print from FIMS using Azure? You will print from FIMS in NPact Azure the same as you currently do in Host*Net.
  • How can I access multiple FIMS sites in Azure if I have access to multiple sites now in Host*Net? For each Host*Net site, you will subscribe to the Azure workspace for each account in the remote desktop client with the specific credentials for the Host*Net site in question and subscribe per this article below. You will have a separate username for each site.

How to access FIMS on NPact's Azure Cloud 



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