FIMS Report Selections Window
  • 17 May 2023
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FIMS Report Selections Window

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You are here: FIMS Other Features > Reports > Run Standard FIMS Reports > FIMS Report Selections Window

FIMS Report Selections Window

When you run a standard FIMS report, the FIMS Report Selections window opens, providing options that allow you to do the following:

  • Filter the records you want to include on the report (Selections tab).
  • Sort the report results (Sorting tab).
  • Select affiliations (Affiliations tab).
  • Set up default mailing criteria (Mailing tab) for using the data with mail merge.
  • Save default report settings so you can run the same report again without having to configure your selection and sorting criteria each time you run it (Saved Reports tab).
  • Send the report data to a specific location such as a data file or the screen (Send To tab)
  • View all of the current Selection and Sorting criteria for the report (View All Selections button)

Example: FIMS Report Selections Window


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