FIMS Reports and Exports
  • 09 Oct 2023
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FIMS Reports and Exports

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FIMS Reports and Exports

Ready-to-run reports and exports are available in all FIMS modules. This section provides a brief overview. Refer to the FIMS Reports Guide for detailed information about all of the reports that are available in FIMS.

Although the layout of most reports or exported data fields is fixed, filtering (selection) and sorting (ordering) of the records can be done at run-time.

You cannot usually modify the informational fields themselves, but you can select the records you want to include, and the order you want to put them in. You can also save your selection and sorting criteria for future reports.

Exports create a data file that can be used in other applications, such as Microsoft Word or Excel.

Note: There are several exports that allow you to select the fields that you want to include in your report. These include the User-Defined Profile Export, User-Defined Gift History Export, User-Defined Application History Export, User-Defined Fund Export. Refer to the FIMS Reports section for more information on these exports.

FIMS also provides mailing options when performing several tasks, including exporting data for a mail merge, printing mailing labels, and creating mass emails. Refer to the FIMS Reports section for more information on running the exports and Use Mail Merge with Exported FIMS Data for information on using the data to create mailings.


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