Full Profile Report
  • 09 Sep 2024
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Full Profile Report

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Article summary

Full Profile Report

This report provides a list of Profiles that you can customize to include standard Profile information along with notes, contacts, and Donor and Gift information. In addition to the standard Selection and Sorting options, you can set Format options when you run the report.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Profiles > Full Profile Report.

Full Profile Report

Full Profile Report Fields

NOTE: When you run the report, you can choose which fields you want to include. Only the selected fields will appear on the report.



Name and Address

Lists the Profile’s name, title, address, ID code, phone numbers, e-mail address, and spouse’s name.

Alternate Address

Lists the Profile’s alternate address, including the type of address, effective dates, and whether it is a recurring address.

Affiliation Codes

Lists all affiliation codes attached to the Profile.

Donor Information

If the Profile has a Donor record, lists the class, rank, source, occupation, ethnic code, and solicitor.

Fund Associations

Lists any Fund Associations attached to the Profile, including the Fund ID, Fund Name, and Description.

Posted Gift Detail

Lists information about all of the posted Gifts from a Donor, including the Gift Number, Gift Date, Purpose, Source, Type, Solicitor code, Amount, and Fund.

Posted Gift Summary

Lists summary information about posted Gifts from the Donor, including the year, number of Gifts for the year, total amount from Gifts for the year, and largest Gift for the year.

Unposted Gifts

Lists detailed information about any unposted Gifts from the Donor. This section provides the same information


Lists detailed information about all of the unposted Gifts from a Donor.


Lists any relationships for the Profile, including the Relator and Relatee ID codes and names, Relationship code, and Relationship Description.


Lists information about any Promises the Donor has made, including the Promise ID, date, amount, maturity date, maturity value, and date added


Lists any contacts associated with the Profile, including the date, type, Staff code, comments, and whether the comment is closed (yes / no).


Lists any text in the Profile’s notepads.

Setting the Full Profile Report Format

1. In the Profile Management module, select Reports > Full Profile Report. The FIMS Report Selections window opens with the Format tab selected.

Format Tab

2. In the Report Formatting Options section, select the data that you want to appear on the report. Available data includes the following:

  • Affiliations
  • Donor Information
  • Fund Associations
  • Posted Gift Detail
  • Posted Gift Summary
  • Unposted Gifts
  • Notes
  • Pledges
  • Promises
  • Contacts
  • Relationships
  • Alternate Address

3. If you select the Notes checkbox, use the Profile Notes Options section to determine the notepad information that will appear on the report.

NOTE: These options are the same as those available for formatting the Profile Note Listing report.

4. If you select the Contacts checkbox, use the Contact Filters section to determine the contact information that will appear on the report. You can select a specific date range and a range of contact types.

5. When you are finished setting your format options, configure the desired Selection and Sorting criteria as you would for any standard FIMS report and then click the Run Report button.

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