Fund 2 Tab
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Fund 2 Tab

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Fund 2 Tab

The Fund 2 tab contains information about fund-raising goals for the Fund, including the beginning and ending dates of the goal period and the amount that should be raised.

This tab also allows you to configure Fund level financial statements for the selected Fund.

Fund 2 Tab


Fund 2 Tab: General Entry Fields



Goal Amount

The total amount that should be raised during the goal period.

Begin Goal

The date when the fund-raising goal period begins.

End Goal

The date when the fund-raising goal period ends.

Misc. Info

A text field that you can use to enter a free-form code (up to six characters). For example, some organizations use this field to enter a prior Fund ID.

Spec. Handling

A four character text field that is used to indicate any special handling that is required for the Fund.

If you enter anything in this field, a message will appear when the Fund is selected in a Gift Distribution line or a Grant Application payment plan line to inform you that the Fund requires special handling.

Refer to Maintaining Special Handling Codes for more information.

Note: You can use the Comment field on the Fund 2 tab to enter a more detailed description of the special handling code.

Avail. to Spend

User-defined code that indicates the available to spend calculation method for the Fund.

Tip: Refer to Maintaining Available to Spend Codes for more information.

Available Cash

The Available to Spend code that you want to use to determine the available cash amount for the Fund.


This checkbox indicates whether a 1099-R form should be sent to the recipient of contributions from the fund.

ID Code

The ID Code field identifies the recipient of the 1099-R form.  It is only enabled (and then, is mandatory) when the 1099-R checkbox is checked (ON).  Use the magnifying glass (Search Icon) to search for a 1099-R recipient.


Fund 2 Tab: Comments Field

Click the Comments radio button on the bottom half of the Fund 2 tab to access this field.

The Comments field is a free-form text field that is intended for a comment or phrase to describe the Special Handling conditions for the Fund or information that you want to include on Gift acknowledgements for the Fund.


Fund 2 Tab: Gift Language Field

Click the Gift Language radio button on the bottom half of the Fund 2 tab to access this field.

The Gift Language field is a free-form text entry field intended to hold the Gift language from a deed of Gift or will.

The text in this field is exported in the Fund Statements Export and can be included in merged Fund Statements. Refer to the Fund Statements Export for more information.


Fund 2 Tab: Operational Notes Field

Click the Operational Notes radio button on the bottom half of the Fund 2 tab to access this field.

The Operational Notes field is a free-form text field that you can use to enter special administrative or operational notes for the Fund.


Fund 2 Tab: Fund Statement Fields

Click the Fund Statement radio button on the bottom half of the Fund 2 tab to access these fields.

The Fund Statement fields allow you to control the production of Fund level financial statements for the Fund.

Fund Statement Fields



Default Selections

The description of the saved Default Fund Statement that you want to use to create single statements for this Fund (via the Fund Statement button).

Refer to Saving Report Settings for more information on saving default selections.

Note: If the same default selection can be used for all Funds, you do not need to enter a code here. You can set it up as a global default. Refer to System Options – Funds for more information.

This code has no effect on statements created through the Fund Statements Export in General Ledger.

Statement Style

User-defined code that indicates the statement style and merge document to use when you create Fund statements for this Fund.

This code affects both the single statement (Fund Statement button) and the Fund Statements Export in General Ledger.

Master / Subordinate Funds

These fields allow you to link Funds together as master Funds and subordinate Funds. Funds that are linked as masters and subordinates can be combined in Fund-level Financial Statements.

Refer to Configuring Master / Subordinate Funds for more information.

Suppress Honorary / Memorial Gift Detail Amount

Select this checkbox if you do not want to display memorial / honorary gift amounts on Fund-level Financial Statements.

Fund 2 Tab: Admin Fee Code Fields

Click the Admin Fee Codes radio button on the bottom half of the Fund 2 tab to access this data. The section displays the administrative fee codes that are currently applied to the Fund.

The Admin Fee Code from the Fund 1 tab is displayed in this field, along with any additional codes that you add to the Fund.

Click the Add Fee Code button to select from a list of available codes to apply to the Fund. You can add an unlimited number of codes to each Fund.

Note: If you remove the code that is on the Fund 1 tab from this section, it will be removed from both the Fund 1 and Fund 2 tabs.

Admin Fee Code Fields


Fund 2 Tab: Other Fields

Click the Other radio button on the bottom half of the Fund 2 tab to access these fields.

Other Fields



Fund Added

Read-only field that indicates the date when the Fund record was first added to FIMS.


Read-only field that indicates the date when the Fund record was last changed.


Read-only field that indicates the username of the person who made the last change to the Fund record (or the person who created the record if no changes have been made).


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