Fund Distributions by Fund Report
  • 09 Aug 2023
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Fund Distributions by Fund Report

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Article summary

Fund Distributions by Fund Report

This report provides a complete Profile of distribution record information, sorted by Fund. Distribution records are used to track the program allocations for a Fund.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Funds > Fund Distributions by Fund.

Fund Distributions by Fund Report


Fund Distributions by Fund Fields



Fund ID

The code that identifies the Fund.

Fund Name

The name of the Fund.

Fund Class

User-defined Fund code that identifies the Fund’s financial category and determines the Fund’s basic set of General Ledger accounts.

Allocation %

The percentage of the Fund that is allocated to this distribution.

NOTE: A Fund will either have an allocation percentage or dollar amount, but not both.


The dollar amount from the Fund that is allocated to this distribution.

NOTE: A Fund will either have an allocation percentage or dollar amount, but not both.


The name of the Designated Grantee for this distribution (if any).


Code that identifies the geographic area served by the Fund distribution


Code that categorizes the distribution.

NOTE: This code uses the same code table as the Fund Sub-type.


Code that describes the population group served by the distribution (for example, Children or Elderly).


Code that identifies the interest of the Fund distribution (for example, Arts or Education).


Code that identifies the staff person who is responsible for fulfilling the charitable objectives of the Fund distribution.


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