Fund Listing Report
  • 19 Sep 2023
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Fund Listing Report

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Article summary

Fund Listing Report

This report provides a list of Funds with the date they were established, the Available to Spend amount, and the Fund coding that will become part of the G/L account key (Division, Class, Type, and Sub-type).

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Funds > Fund Listing.


Fund Listing Report Fields



Fund ID

The code that identifies the Fund.

Fund Name

The full name of the Fund.

Date Established

The date when the Fund was created.


User-defined Fund code that determines the Fund ownership, and / or the geographical designation of Fund activity.


User-defined Fund code that identifies the Fund’s financial category and determines the Fund’s basic set of General Ledger accounts.


User-defined Fund code that is often used for the FASB categorization of the principal or non-spendable portion of the Fund.


User-defined Fund code that determines any Donor restrictions placed on the use of the spendable portion of the Fund.

Avail. to Spend

The balance that the Fund has available to spend.


Running the Fund Listing Report

1. In the Fund Management module, select Reports > Fund Listing. A message opens to inform you that you have to enter the year and period for the Available to Spend calculation.

2. Click OK. The Fund Listing Setup window opens.
Fund Listing Setup Window

3. Enter the Fiscal Year and Period that you want to use to calculate the Available to Spend amount for each Fund on your report and then click OK.

4. Configure the desired Selection and Sorting criteria as you would for any standard FIMS report and then click the Run Report button.

TIP: This report lists all Funds by default (including retired Funds). If you want to exclude retired Funds from the report, choose (Fund) Date Retired as one of your Selection criteria and leave the From and Through fields empty. If you usually exclude retired Funds from the report, you should save these settings for future use. Refer to Saving Report Settings for more information.

Example: Selection to Exclude Retired Funds

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