Fund Name does not Populate in Recommendation Form in DonorCentral
  • 23 May 2023
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Fund Name does not Populate in Recommendation Form in DonorCentral

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Article summary

When advisors go to make a suggestion no fund name pops in the drop down even if the advisor clicks into the field.

Steps To Duplicate on a Mac:
  1. Advisor logs into DonorCentral using a Mac computer with Safari 14.0 (15610.1.28.9, 15610)
  2. Clicks Recommendations\New
  3. In the form that appears check the checkbox to Add a new Charity
  4. Click next
  5. Note that the fund name does not auto-populate in the next screen
  6. Note that even if you click the drop down the fund name still does not appear.
  7. Note that if you choose an existing charity in Safari, that the fund name does auto populate.
  8. Note that on Chrome on a Mac the fund name does auto populate for both new and existing charities.

This issue can also occur with other browsers as well.

Ensure that all browsers are updated to the latest versions.

Update Chrome

Update Microsoft Edge

Update Mozilla

Update Safari

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