Fund Profile Report
  • 09 Aug 2023
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Fund Profile Report

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Article summary

Fund Profile Report

This report provides full Profile information for each Fund (one Fund is printed per page).

NOTE: Most of the information on this report is from the fields on the Fund 1 tab in the Fund Management module.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Funds > Fund Profile.

Fund Profile Report


Fund Profile Report Fields




The name of the Fund.

ID Code

The code that identifies the Fund.

Establishing Gift

The amount donated to establish the Fund.


The date when the Fund was established.


User-defined code that indicates the reason that the Fund was established.


User-defined code that describes the primary Grant making interest area of the Fund.


User-defined Fund code that determines the Fund ownership, and / or the geographical designation of Fund activity.

Fund Class

User-defined Fund code that identifies the Fund’s financial category and determines the Fund’s basic set of General Ledger accounts.

Fund Type

User-defined Fund code that is often used for the FASB categorization of the principal or non-spendable portion of the Fund.


User-defined Fund code that determines any Donor restrictions placed on the use of the spendable portion of the Fund.


User-defined code that indicates the spending policy for the Fund.

Fee Code

User-defined code that identifies the administrative fee method for the Fund.


User-defined code that indicates the staff member assigned to the Fund.


The bank (trustee) or investment manager in which the Fund is invested.

This field is primarily intended for Funds that are held in trust.

Invest. Acct.

Code that identifies the investment account in which this Fund is held.

This code is primarily intended for Funds that are held in trust.


General comments about the Fund, or an explanation of any special handling conditions (from the Fund 2 tab).

Gift Language

The Gift language from the deed of Gift or will (from the Fund 2 tab).

Operational Notes

Any special administrative or operational notes for the Fund (from the Fund 2 tab).

Yearbook Description

The text description of the Fund that is used for the annual report (from the Yearbook tab).

Fund Associations

The report name and type of association for any Profiles associated with the Fund (from the Fund Associations tab).


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