Fund Statement Designer Consolidated Financial Statements Report GL Accounts are Missing from Preview in External Statements
  • 10 Jan 2023
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Fund Statement Designer Consolidated Financial Statements Report GL Accounts are Missing from Preview in External Statements

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Article summary

G/L Accounts show on the report to screen but do not show in preview from External statements.


The GL accounts are viewable only in the report to screen but are not included in external statement. Additionally, if you choose to use the fund statement export, the GL accounts are not exportable as a field in that process either, however, they are viewable in the fund statement report when running to screen as they are in the fund statement designer screen report.

One thing you can do is save the text file with the GL accounts numbers to your desktop and then open that text file in Word which is not ideal in appearance but will allow the statement to be printed with GL numbers.

Another option is using the Graphical Viewer:
  • Go to reports\General Ledger\Fund Statement
  • Select your saved report and load it from the saved reports tab
  • Go to the Options tab and check the checkbox for 'Print G/L account numbers'
  • Go to the Send to tab and select Graphical viewer
  • Click Run report
  • See the GL account numbers there on the graphical report
  • Click the printer icon on the top left
  • You can print the document to a printer or print to PDF which allows you to save the report as a PDF

Steps To Duplicate

  1. Go to Fund Statement Designer
  2. Choose a statement and saved report
  3. On the saved report be sure to check the checkbox to Print G/L Account numbers
  4. Click Preview if that option is already on report or run report if had to edit the saved report after making that change
  5. Note in the report to screen that appears the GL accounts are present
  6. Click External Statements
  7. Click Preview or Print
  8. Note that in the preview or the printed file (for example to PDF) the GL accounts are not present.

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