Fund Statement Upload Shows no Status on the Progress Bar and Never Completes in DonorCentral
  • 20 Jan 2023
  • Contributors
  • Dark
  • PDF

Fund Statement Upload Shows no Status on the Progress Bar and Never Completes in DonorCentral

  • Dark
  • PDF

Article summary

When attempting to upload statements to DonorCentral no progress shows on the progress bar and the upload never completes. If you click cancel, also the upload never eventually completes.

Steps To Duplicate:
1. Log into DonorCentral as a staff member
2. Go to Control Panel\Fund Statements
3. Click on Upload/replace statements
4. Choose the zip file to be uploaded that is under 50 MB
5. Click upload
6. Note that the progress bar never shows progress and upload never completes
This issue was resolved for the customer that reported it. As of 10/30/2019, there is now a new limit of 250 MB for uploading fund statements to DonorCentral.

For another customer, this occurred due to the contents file not matching the pdfs:

The list in the contents file has to match exactly to the number of PDF and the lines need to contain the same pdf file names. Additionally, the entity ID needs to be listed in the first column of the contents file. The uploads will not complete if the contents file does not match the PDFs.

Open up the contents file in notepad and look at the lines and make sure they match the pdf documents.

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