Fund Summary Activity Report
  • 09 Aug 2023
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Fund Summary Activity Report

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Article summary

Fund Summary Activity Report

This report provides a yearly summary of Fund activity, based on the Fund Summary History record, which keeps annual statistics of Gift and Grant transactions.

Tip: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Funds > Fund Summary Activity.

Fund Summary Activity Report


Fund Summary Activity Report Fields



Fund ID

The code that identifies the Fund.


The fiscal year when the activity took place.

# of Gifts

The total number of Gifts received by the Fund during the selected year.

Total Gifts

The total Gift amount received by the Fund during the selected year.

Largest Gift

The largest Gift Amount received by the Fund during the selected year.

# of Grants

The total number of Grants from the Fund during the selected year.

Total Grants

The total Grant amount from the Fund during the selected year.

Largest Grant

The largest Grant amount from the Fund during the selected year.

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