General Ledger Account Key Segments
  • 07 Jun 2023
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General Ledger Account Key Segments

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You are here: General Ledger > Basic General Ledger Concepts > General Ledger Account Key Segments

General Ledger Account Key Segments

FIMS offers a user-definable General Ledger account key. You can specify up to eight separate General Ledger account segments, up to 22 (alpha-numeric) characters. The initial decisions with respect to the General Ledger design will have a long-term impact on the ease with which financial statements are generated. Most organizations find that the suggested segment definition (using six common segment definitions plus an optional functional expense segment) is the best design for a General Ledger that will be maintained at the Fund level.

When you are using Fund-level accounting, one G/L account segment is the Fund ID. To take advantage of roll-up financial reporting by Fund category, most organizations also use additional account segments that code for the various Fund categories. For example, you may use a G/L segment that indicates whether the account belongs to an unrestricted, donor advised, or designated Fund. You could then create a financial report that adds up balances from all of the Funds that have a specific segment coding to produce a Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) for those Funds.

Because Fund-level accounting may require many G/L accounts (for example, 20 accounts for 25 Funds equals 500 accounts), FIMS can automatically create G/L accounts based on a Master Chart of natural account numbers combined with data from the Fund record (the Fund categorization codes that become segments of the G/L account key).

Example: G/L Account Segment Definition for a Fund-Level General Ledger




Segment 1

Alphanumeric segment (up to two characters) that defines the Division (Fund ownership, for example, Trust, Corp Assets Support Orgs) for the account.

Segment 2

Alphanumeric segment (up to two characters) that defines the Fund Class (Master Chart category) for the account (for example, Operating Endowment-pooled, Endowment-non-pooled, or Pass Through).

Segment 3

Alphanumeric segment (up to two characters) that defines the Fund Type (FASB categorization of the principal) for the account (for example, Permanently Restricted, Temporarily Restricted, Unrestricted, or No principal balance).

NOTE: Organizations that report virtually all of their net assets as unrestricted, can use this segment for Donor restrictions on expenditures, and leave the Sub Type segment blank.

Segment 4

Alphanumeric segment (up to two characters) that defines the Fund Sub Type (Donor restrictions on the spendable balance) for the account (for example, Field of Interest, Scholarship, or Unrestricted).

Segment 5

Alphanumeric segment (up to six characters) that defines the Fund ID for the account.

Segment 6

Alphanumeric segment (up to five characters) that defines the Natural Account number for the account (for example, 11000 for the checking account).

Segment 7

Alphanumeric segment (up to four characters) that defines the Functional Expense for the account (for example, Development, Administrative, or Special Projects).


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