General Ledger Tab (Unposted Gifts)
  • 14 Jul 2023
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General Ledger Tab (Unposted Gifts)

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You are here: Gifts > Unposted Gifts General Ledger Tab (Unposted Gifts)

General Ledger Tab (Unposted Gifts)

The General Ledger tab allows you to view and edit the Amount, Fund ID, and Debit and Credit accounts used for posting your Gifts to General Ledger.

If General Ledger is active, FIMS will automatically create a default line item on the General Ledger tab when you save the Gift. This line item is based on the Gift Amount and Fund ID entered on the main Gift tab (and the default G/L accounts set up in the Fund Class code table for that class of Fund). Any changes to the Gift Distributions (on the Gift tab) will also apply to the line items on this tab.

Note: In order for this automatic line item to be created, you must select the Post Gifts to G/L checkbox in System Initial Setup. Refer to Configuring Posting Settings for Gifts for more information.

General Ledger Tab

General Ledger Tab Fields




The Gift amount being applied to the selected Fund.

Fund ID

The Fund ID code of the Fund receiving the Gift.


The G/L debit account specified for Gifts to the selected Fund.


The G/L credit account specified for Gifts to the selected Fund.


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