Gift History with Soft Credits Export to Excel has Incorrect Columns if Using the Run to Spreadsheet Option
  • 19 Jan 2023
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Gift History with Soft Credits Export to Excel has Incorrect Columns if Using the Run to Spreadsheet Option

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Article summary

Gift History with Soft Credits Export to Excel has Incorrect Columns if using the run to Spreadsheet option, however if you save the screen file to somewhere on the workstation and then open it in Excel, the columns are correct if you use Fixed Width on the import wizard in Excel.

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. 1. Go to reports\gifts\Gift History with Soft Credits
  2. 2. Run a report to screen
  3. 3. Note the the columns are correct and are associated with correct data.
  4. 4. Click File\Save As on the report to save the text file to a location of the user's choice
  5. 5. Now open that file in Excel
  6. 6. Note that data is also correct and matches columns if use Fixed Width in the Import Wizard of Excel and you adjust the column widths for each separate column.
  7. 7. Now re-run the report to Spreadsheet
  8. 8. Choose a File Name in the lower left
  9. 9. Click Run report
  10. 10. See that the txt file is outputted to the defined location
  11. 11. Open the file in Excel and see that the data does not match the columns and is unable to be manipulated in Excel, the text wraps to other columns
This is resolved in FIMS 14.72.

In Reports > Gifts > Gift History w/ Soft Credits > Run Report, when you use the File > Save As option to save the results, the columns now match the same columns that are visible in the FIMS window.

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