Gift Reports
  • 08 Aug 2023
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Gift Reports

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Gift Reports

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Gift History Report

Runs a report that provides a list of all historic Gifts.

This is a powerful report that offers more than 100 fields from four different tables (Gifthistory, Fund, Donor, and Profile) that you can use for Selection and Sorting criteria. You can also list Gifts either from the Donor’s perspective (one line per Gift) or from the Fund perspective (one line per recipient Fund).

Detailed Gift Purpose

Runs a report that provides a list of historic Gifts that includes the purpose of each Gift, along with information about the Gift amount, date, and Donor.

Gift History by Group Report

Runs a report that provides information about posted Gifts for any Donors that are part of a Profile Group, along with information about how they are part of the group (for example, family member or employee).

Historic Gifts Report

Runs a report that lists Gifts from Gift History, with a grand total of all historic Gift amounts displayed at the end of the report.

This report is similar to the Gift History report, except that you can only select and sort based on the Gifthistory table, you can only make Fund selections based on the first Fund that a Gift is associated with, and you can only see the total Gift amount – you cannot break down the amount on the Fund level

Memorial / Honorary Gift

Runs a report that lists either memorial or honorary Gifts with basic Gift information along with the name and ID code for the person being honored or memorialized.

Detailed Gift History by Fund

Runs a report that lists the historical Gifts for each Fund. The report is automatically sorted and subtotaled by Fund, and you can make selections based on Fund fields.

Detailed Gift History by Donor

Runs a report that lists all of the Gifts made by each Donor.

The report is automatically sorted and subtotaled by donor, and you can make selections based on Profile and Donor record fields.

Gift History Export

Runs an export that creates a plain text (ASCII) file that contains all of the Gift record data fields. You can use this file as a merge file for thank-you letters, envelopes, labels, or reports.

Unposted Gift Listing

Runs a report that lists Gifts that have not been posted, along with their associated Fund ID and codes from the first recipient Fund.

Gifts by Date with Fund

Runs a simple report that lists all Gift distributions for a given date range.

Note: You can only make selections for this report based on the date range.

Tabulate Gifts by Range of Gift Amounts

Runs a report that summarizes total giving within specified Gift range amounts with counts and averages.

User Defined Gift History Export

Runs an export that allows you to select the actual fields you want to export.

It is important that you understand how the FIMS database works and what the fields are before running this export. Please contact FIMS Support if you need help determining the appropriate fields to export to fit your needs.

All Gifts Report

Runs a report that lists all posted and/or unposted Gifts in FIMS for the selected range of dates, Funds, or Donors.


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