  • 24 Jul 2023
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Donor and Gift Management

The Donor and Gift Management module is a comprehensive system designed to support your organization’s fund-raising and development activities. You can supplement it with the optional Pledge Management and Stock Gift Management modules.

A Profile record (name and address record) with a Donor record must be created before you can enter any Gifts from a Donor. The Donor record augments the Profile with Donor-specific codes and data.

When Gifts are posted, history is updated, and the transaction is automatically entered into the General Ledger (if it is active). The system maintains detailed and summary history by Donor and Fund (the latter is important since a Gift can be applied to more than one Fund).

There are three main records that are used by the Donor and Gift Management module:

  • Donor: The Donor record maintains biographical information, Donor-related codes (for example, Donor Type, Source, and Occupation), and free-form text comments.

  • Gift: The Gift record contains the actual Gift information. Gifts can be distributed to as many as five Funds. FIMS requires that the amount distributed to multiple Funds to add up to the total Gift amount.

    You can include non-Gift amounts that are included with a Gift, in order to record receipts outside of Gift revenue. You can also use the Gift record to record any non-Gift cash receipt.

    Note: For most Gift types, the system automatically creates the appropriate debit and credit accounts in General Ledger.

  • Promise: The Promise record tracks non-binding promises of donations.

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