  • 01 Sep 2023
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Article Summary

View gift history

A gift is a contribution to your fund. On the Gifts page, you can view information for all gifts made by you or others to any of the funds you advise, as well as gifts you made to other funds. The summary at the top of the page shows the total amount received and the total number of gifts.

If you don't have any gifts, you'll see the message 'You have no gifts to display at this time shown on the Gifts page'. The gift summary values at the top of the page Amount received and Gifts display as zeroes, and the My gifts only option is not shown.

Administrators only: when you are viewing as an advisor, and the user that you are viewing has no gifts, but there are gifts for the funds you advise, then the My gifts only filter option displays. When you select it, only the gifts that you have made are shown. If none of the gifts were made by you, then the You have no gifts to display at this time message displays.

Note: To Administrators: Gifts can be manually entered into FIMS or entered from an external source other than DonorCentral.

View gift history

Note: Some features are only available to donor/advisors and to administrators viewing as advisors. If you are an administrator, go to Home and select View as advisor. For more information, see View DonorCentral as an Advisor.

1. Select Gifts from the menu bar.

2. Under Gifts received, you can view all gifts made to the funds you advise and gifts that you have made to other funds, including the gift amount, gift date, FIMS reference number, donor name and address, fund name(s), and status (Pending or Processed).

  • A Pending status indicates the gift has been submitted but the donation has not yet been accounted for. A Processed status indicates the amount of the gift is now in the fund(s) and can be used for grantmaking.

Note: To enable givers to have their memorial / tribute gift amounts suppressed, the Gift amount and Non-gift amountdisplay as Anonymous when the gifts are viewed individually. However, the gift amounts are still included in the gift totals in the grids on the Funds page.

3. Under Gift totals by year, you can graphically view your gift totals for the last ten years. Hover over each bar in the graph to see the exact gift total by year.

4. To view information for only those gifts that you have made to other funds, select My gifts only. Only your gifts are shown under Gifts received. The gift summary values at the top of the page — Amount received and Gifts— and the totals in the bar graph are also updated to only include your gifts.

5.To hide or show information for a gift, select its Collapse or Expand.

6. To display more details about a gift, open its menu and select View details. To see details about a gift without leaving the page, select Quick glance.


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