G/L Journal Edit Report
  • 21 Jul 2023
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G/L Journal Edit Report

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You are here: General Ledger > Journal Entries > G/L Journal Edit Report

Run the G/L Journal Edit Report

The G/L Journal Edit report is used to select the Journal entries that you want to post based on a range of Apply Dates, and optionally, Journal Keys, Reference numbers, and / or Journal numbers. It also allows you to verify that your Journal entries do not contain any errors or omissions.

You must clear all General Ledger Journal entries (regardless of whether they were created by posting from subsidiary modules or entered manually) through the Edit report before you can post the entries to the General Ledger.

In addition to errors, FIMS also issues warnings, which do not prevent posting. Refer to the G/L Journal Edit Report Errors and Warnings section below for more information.

Note: You cannot run the Edit report for more than one Fiscal Year at a time.

Note: You can run this report as many times as necessary before posting.

1. In the General Ledger module, click the Journal Entry supertab, and then click the Processes tab.

2. Select G/L Journal Edit Report from the General Ledger Processes list and then click the Run Process button. The G/L Journal Edit Report Selections window opens.

G/L Journal Edit Report Selections Window

3. In the Report on Entries with Apply Dates From / Through fields, enter the range of Apply Dates for the Journal entries that you want to include on the report.

NOTE: Both of these dates must be part of the same fiscal year.

4. (Optional) If you only want to run the report for Journal entries in a specific batch, enter the desired batch number(s) in the Batch fields.

5. (Optional) If you only want to run the report for Journal entries with a specific Journal Key code (or range of codes), enter the desired code(s) in the Journal Key fields.

6. (Optional) If you only want to run the report for Journal entries with a specific Reference number (or range of sequential numbers), enter the desired number(s) in the Reference fields.

7. (Optional) If you only want to include specific Journal entries on the report, enter the desired Journal number(s) in the Journal # fields.

8. Click OK.

9. Verify the Send To destination, and then click the Run Report button. The report opens in the FIMS Viewer.

NOTE: Refer to Posting the General Ledger Journal for more information about posting the entries.

G/L Journal Edit Report

G/L Journal Edit Report Errors and Warnings

Errors on the Edit report are preceded by **E. Warnings are preceded by **W. You will not be able to post the Journal if there are any errors in the Edit report.

Although you can post the Journal if there are warnings in the Edit report, you should always check the warnings before posting to see if any changes should be made.

Refer to the Running the G/L Journal Edit Report section above for more information.


  • Journal Key is Invalid.
  • Missing G/L Account.
  • The Entry is Both a Debit and a Credit.
  • The Apply Date is Blank.
  • The G/L Year and Apply Date do not Match.
  • Posting to a Closed Period.
  • Invalid Deposit Account in FACTS Pool.
  • Invalid Disbursement Account in FACTS Pool.
  • FACTS Cycle for Apply / Confirm Date is Already Closed.

Note: This may be an error or a warning, depending on your System Options settings. Refer to System Options – General Ledger for more information.

  • Apply Date Corresponds to an Invalid Period.
  • Debits do not Equal Credits for Year.
  • Debits do not Equal Credits for Period.
  • Debits do not Equal Credits for Fund.
  • Total Debits do not Equal Total Credits.


  • The Apply Dates are in a Future / Previous Year.
  • Inactive G/L Account.
  • Fund was Retired.

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