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Grant Analysis by Fund Report Counts Grant Scheduled Payments as Separate Grants
When viewing the counts on the Grant Analysis by Fund Report it is noted that the counts included scheduled payments on the grants rather than just the grants themselves which makes the grant count higher and not accurate.
Steps To Duplicate:
1. Go to Reports\Grants\Grant Analysis by Fund
2. On the Selections tab select on the Fund in question to be reported on
3. Run the report
4. See that the grant count is higher than should be as compared to the number of actual grants.
5. Note that in the FUND module on the Grant Detail tab, the count matches the report but the count on the Grant Detail tab also displays individual scheduled payments on the grants and not just the grants themselves which is also incorrect.
Since grants can come from multiple funds, the report will double count program areas. If you would like to avoid this double counting, then do not run the analysis by fund and instead use a different analysis such as trends and analysis, or use a datagrid.