Grant History by Group Report
  • 08 Aug 2023
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Grant History by Group Report

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Article summary

Grant History by Group Report

This report lists posted Grants, sorted and subtotaled by group.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Grants > Grant History by Group.


Grant History by Group Report Fields



ID Code

The ID code of the main Grantee Profile in the Group.

Annual Report Name

The report name of the main Grantee Profile in the Group.


The mailing address of the main Grantee in the group.


The phone number of the main Grantee in the group.

Group Level Grants

The Grants that were made to the main Grantee in the group.

Member Gifts

The Grants that were made to each member Grantee in the group (for example, Staff Members).

ID Code

The Profile ID code for each Grantee in the group.


The sort name of each Grantee in the group.

Grant Num

The Grant number associated with the selected Grantee.


The board vote or action date for the Grant.

Grant Amount

The total amount granted.

Fund ID

The ID code of the Fund that awarded the Grant.

Fund ASN

The name of the Fund that awarded the Grant.

 Running the Grant History by Group Report

1. In the Grantee and Grant Management module, select Reports > Grant History by Group. The FIMS Report Selections window opens, with the Options tab selected.
Options Tab

2. Select the checkbox(es) associated with the optional information you want to include for each grouped record in the report (Address, Home Phone and / or Work Phone).

3. In the Number of Levels field, enter the number of levels in the grouping hierarchy that you want to display in the report.

4. In the Date Range of Activity fields, enter the range of Grant Dates that you want to view.

5. Configure the desired Selection and Sorting criteria as you would for any standard FIMS report and then click the Run Report button.

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