  • 30 Nov 2022
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You are here:  Grantee and Grant Management

Grantee and Grant Management

The Grantee and Grant Management module maintains information necessary to manage the entire Grant process. It supports review, Grant-related communication, final disposition, payment (via Accounts Payable), follow up and analysis.

This module integrates with Profile Management, Fund Management, and General Ledger (through Accounts Payable) to provide ease of entry and data integrity.

Reports and inquiries are available to assist in administering the Grant process. You can analyze active Applications, Application history and Grant history by status, region, program type, population, effect, strategy, Grantee type and support type.

Organizations can build their own competitive Grants process into FIMS by defining review steps and requirements. Reports then can track the status of Applications in the Grant process.

Organizations also can establish functional Grant budgets under Grant code categories (program area, population, etc.) and budget to actual reports printed.

Note: You can also use the Grantee and Grant Management module to track scholarship Applications and awards. However, FIMS also offers an optional Scholarship Management module to perform these tasks. Refer to the Scholarship Management Module for more information.

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