Grants from Another Fund Showing in DonorCentral NXT for a Different Advisor that does not have DonorCentral Access to Fund
  • 18 Jan 2023
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Grants from Another Fund Showing in DonorCentral NXT for a Different Advisor that does not have DonorCentral Access to Fund

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Article summary

Grants from Another Fund Showing in DonorCentral NXT for a Different Advisor that does not have DonorCentral Access to Fund after Removing Access for DonorCentral from the advisor who did have access.


This was an issue in SKY 1 that no longer occurs in SKY 4 with DonorCentral NXT.

Steps To Duplicate

  1. In FIMS, go to the fund\fund advisor tab where there are two advisors, advisor A who has DC access to fund and advisor B who does not
  2. Remove DC access to the fund for advisor A who did have access but is now deceased
  3. Do not change the DC Access for advisor B. They are just listed on the fund as an advisor for record keeping purposes but do not have DC access to fund
  4. Do a full upload to DonorCentral
  5. Note that when the Advisor B logs into DonorCentral to look at their own fund which is completely separate, they can see the grants, and detail from the fund that they do not have access to as shown on the fund advisor tab.
  6. Note that if you add DC access back to advisor A on their fund on the fund advisor tab, do a full upload to DC, then the detail from that fund is no longer visible on the other fund.
This is an example of what that would look like on a fund. Advisor A has the DC access, Advisor B does not. If you remove access to Advisor A, then on Advisor B's fund, which is completely separate, the grants, etc. from this fund would show on the other one that Advisor B has which is not expected:

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