Grants Payment Selection by Fund Report
  • 18 Sep 2023
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Grants Payment Selection by Fund Report

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Article summary

Grants Payment Selection by Fund Report

This report is designed for reviewing Grant payables that are due before actually printing checks.

NOTE: This report is similar to the Payment Selection Report, except that it only includes Grant payments.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Accounts Payable > Grants Payment Selection by Fund Report.


Grants Payment Selection by Fund Report Fields




The payee’s Profile ID code.


The payee’s report name.

Doc #

The Grant Voucher number.

Due Date

The date when payment is due on the Grant Voucher.

Invoice #

The Invoice number for the Grant Voucher (this number is the same as the original Grant Number).

Open Invoice Amt.

The total amount due and the amount that will be paid from each Fund (if there are multiple Funds).

Selected Amt.

The amount of any partial payment to be made on the open amount.

Check Amt.

The total check amount for this payment.


Indicates whether any part of the amount due is on hold (yes or no).


If a Grant payment has a follow up record with a past due condition, Past Due appears in this column on the report.


The Program Name for the Grant.

Running the Grants Payment Selection by Fund Report

1. In the Accounts Payable module, select Reports > Grants Payment Selection by Fund Report. The FIMS Report Selections window opens, with the Open Item tab selected.

2. Enter the desired Pay Through Date. Any open items (Grant Vouchers) that have a due date on or before this date will be included on the report.

3. Enter the natural account number for the Cash Account that will be used to make the Grant payments.

NOTE: This field is only relevant if you have more than one Grant checking account. If you only have one checking account, you should leave this field empty.

4. Configure the desired Selection and Sorting criteria as you would for any standard FIMS report and then click the Run Report button.


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