Grants with multiple funding sources have incorrect amounts on the Grants page in DonorCentral
  • 24 Jan 2023
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Grants with multiple funding sources have incorrect amounts on the Grants page in DonorCentral

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Article summary

When viewing grants with multiple funding sources on the Grants page in DonorCentral, the amounts listed are totals from multiple funding sources, but only one fund is shown as being the funding source. The funds page shows correct amounts for grants.


To resolve this, enable the option for whether the grant includes totals from other funding sources or not:

See the following documentation on this setting:

Steps To Duplicate

  1. Launch DonorCentral
  2. Go to the Grants page to review these grants. 
  3. See the full grant amount is attributed to a single fund
  4. Go to the funds page and review grants paid
  5. Notice the grant detail amounts differ from the grants page and are accurate

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