Grouped Profiles
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Grouped Profiles

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Article summary

Grouped Profiles

FIMS allows you to create a Group Profile and relate any number of Member Profiles to it hierarchically. For example, you can create an Organization Profile with related Profiles for all of the organization’s staff members.

You can create groups from existing Profile records or add new Profiles to existing groups.

Note: Profile grouping is not required. You can create standalone Profiles (not related to any group). Profiles may also be related to each other on a one-to-one basis with no hierarchical structure.


Grouping Existing Profiles

The Group Existing Profiles utility allows you to create Profile groups and/or add current Profiles to groups.

Note: This utility only allows you to add existing Profiles to groups. If you want to create a new Profile as a group member, refer to Creating New Grouped Profiles for more information.

1. In the Profile Management module, select File Maintenance > Group Existing Profiles. The Group Existing Profiles window opens.

Group Existing Profiles Window

2. In the Group Profile field, enter the ID code of the Profile that you want to be the top-level group member (for example, if you are adding staff members, enter the organization’s ID code). If you are not sure of the appropriate ID code, click the Lookup button to select the desired Profile from a list.

3. Click the arrow in the Group drop-down box and select the group that you want to add Profiles to (for example, Staff Member).

4. Click the New Member button.

Note: The New Member button is grayed out until you select both a Group Profile and a Group.

5. Click the arrow in the Member ID Code drop-down box and select the Profile record that you want to add to the group.

Note: The system automatically populates the Member Alpha Sort and Relationship fields if there is a default Relationship code set up in the Group Code table, but you can change the information in either of these fields if desired.

6. (Optional) If you want to create an inverse relationship for any of your grouped Profiles, click the arrow in the Inverse Relationship drop-down box and select the desired Relationship code.

7. Click Save.

8. Repeat this process to add any additional Profiles to the group. You may also change the selected Group Profile and/or Group to add Profiles to different groups.

9. When you are finished grouping Profiles, click Done.

Creating New Grouped Profiles

The New Grouped Profile utility allows you to create new Profiles and automatically add them to a group.

Note: This utility only allows you to add new Profiles to groups. If you want to add an existing Profile to a group, refer to Grouping Existing Profiles for more information.

1. In the Profile Management module, click the New Grouped Profile button on the toolbar. The New Grouped Profile window opens.

New Grouped Profile Window

2. In the Group ID Code field, enter the ID code of the Group Profile that the new Profile will be based on (for example, the organization that the person works for, or the head of the family). The system will copy information from this Profile into the new Profile you are creating, to help with the data entry process.

3. In the Group Code field, enter the Group code that defines the group you are adding the new Profile to.

4. In the Relationship field, enter the type of relationship that the new Profile has with the Group Profile (for example, if the new member is an employee, enter the Employee code).

Note: If the selected Group code has a default Relationship code associated with it, this field will be filled in automatically, but you can change the default code if necessary.

5. (Optional) If you want to create an inverse relationship, enter the desired relationship code in the Inverse Relationship field.

Note: If the selected Relationship code has a default Inverse code associated with it, this field will be filled in automatically, but you can change the default code if necessary.

6. In the Copy Fields from Group Profile section, select the checkboxes associated with the information you want to copy from the selected Group Profile into the new Profile.

7. Click OK. The new Profile record opens for editing, with all of the selected fields already populated.
8. Enter or edit the information in any of the desired fields as you would for any Profile record (refer to Profile Entry for more information), and then click the Save button on the toolbar.

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