How can I change salutations using Excel?
  • 02 Jun 2023
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How can I change salutations using Excel?

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Article summary

As of right now, there is no Salutation Auto-Build that allows for the "John and Jane Doe" format. You must manually update the Joint or Alternate Salutation in each profile in order to reference this. It is tedious to go back and update every profile now that the foundation has decided to change this. This workaround method has been created to help streamline the using this salutation on mailings when merging from an MS Excel document.

Note:  See Attachment for screen shots and details
  1. Go into the Profiles Module > Reports > run the "User Defined Profile Export"
    1. Fields
      1. Select "Profile 1" from dropdown menu and add the following:
      2. (Profile) First Name
      3. (Profile) Last Name
      4. Select "Profile 2" from dropdown menu and add the following:
      5. (Profile) Spouse First Name
      6. (Profile) Spouse Last Name
    2. Selections:
      1. Make any selections desired to narrow the field of data being pulled in.
    3. Sorting:
      1. Sort by either of the four fields that were selected as desired
    4. Send To:
      1. Export Format:  CSV
      2. File Name:  Select desired location  
  2. Open the File in MS Excel
    1. Open Excel and choose the Open Option
    2. Choose the File that you've just exported and select Ok 
    3. Be sure that the file type that describes your data is set to Delimited.
    4. Click Next 
    5. Next you will want to set the Delimiters as either Tab, Comma or Both
    6. Click Next
    7. Click Finish  
  3. Copy the following formula into the Cell E2 in MS Excel (See Illustration)
    1. =IF(D1=0,$A1&" & "&$C1&" "&$B1,IF(D1=B1,$A1&" & "&$C1&" "&$B1,$A1&" "&$B1&" & "&$C1&" "&$D1))
    2. Drag the formula down through the spread sheet and use as merge document for Mailings


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