How can I change the size of the FIMS window?
  • 02 Feb 2023
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How can I change the size of the FIMS window?

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Article summary

My FIMS window is too tiny.  Can I make it bigger?
My FIMS window takes up too much space on my monitor.  Can I make it smaller?


The FIMS window can be changed to one of three default sizes - small, medium and large.

To change your FIMS window size, select Tools > User preferences > All Other Preferences.  Choose Font_Size in the Option column and select the desired new size from the right Value column.

A Large window will fill a 600x800 size screen. Your monitor and display properties might not work with all the default sizes, so if you are having display issues, try a different size.

It will be necessary for you to close and re-open FIMS for the size to take affect.

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