How can I get a listing of the FACTS transactions that were outstanding as of a specific date?
  • 04 Jun 2023
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How can I get a listing of the FACTS transactions that were outstanding as of a specific date?

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Article summary

Our auditors are asking for a report of uncleared FACTS transactions as of the end of our fiscal year.  Is there a report that will show that? The year has long passed and we have reconciled many cycles since then.

To create an outstanding transaction listing you would run either the FACTS Transaction History listing, the Transaction Entry listing or a combination of both.

For example, let us assume your foundation is a calendar year foundation ( December year end).
Assume it is now April and you have reconciled January thru March statements.
  • If all of the transactions that existed on December 31st have been cleared, then you only need to run the transaction history listing.
  • If some of the transactions have cleared, but a few are still outstanding ( perhaps the pool is a checking account), then you will need to run both the transaction entry AND the transaction history listing to get all the outstanding items.
  • If you haven't processed the January cycle yet, then you can use just the transaction entry listing.
When you process a cycle the transaction move from the Entry Listing to the History Listing. So one or both reports might be needed depending upon the circumstances.

To run the report(s):

Select Reports > FACTS > Transaction History Listing or Transaction Entry Listing
  • Pool ID - enter ID in Selections
  • Trans Date - enter range of dates that you believe were in transit at the end of the month in question (December 31 if you are using a calendar year) This might be a January thru December 31st range.  Essentially you are capturing all of the transactions that might have been outstanding as of your cut-off date.
  • Confirm Date - enter range of dates from January 1 (or beginning of new fiscal year) through present or the day after the cut-off date through today
  • Run Report
So you are selecting on all the transactions created before the cut-off that have confirm dates after the cut-off.
You have the option of sorting by any of the selections you've made.  

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