How can I Provide my FIMS Data to NPact if I am On-Premises?
  • 13 Apr 2023
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How can I Provide my FIMS Data to NPact if I am On-Premises?

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Article summary

I am an on-premise customer and I have an issue that NPact development needs to resolve and is asking for my data, what steps do I need to do to provide them my data?


The support analyst with whom you are working in your case will send an authorization form and further instructions to the org admin for your foundation.

The Org Admin will upload the following files to our FTP site:

1. Locate the most recent bkp database backup file located in npo\found\dbbackup

  • There should be a nightly backup that occurs on your FIMS database server to backup your database. This would be a scheduled task on your server that would create a bkp file in the npo\found\dbbackup folder. You will look in that folder for the backup that occurred the previous night.
  • If you do not have a nightly backup occurring, you should immediately get that set up per the following article:

What is the Recommended Backup Process for the FIMS Database?

  • If you do not have a recent bkp file and need one immediately to provide to NPact, please see the following to create a manual backup. It is again recommended that you immediately setup your scheduled backup:

How can I Manually Create a FIMS Database Backup?

2. Upload the most recent bkp file to your NPact FTP site

  • After locating or creating a recent bkp file, zip up and upload that bkp file to your NPact FTP site using the instructions that you will be sent.

3. Upload the file to your NPact FTP site

  • Go to \npo\found\dbfiles
  • Find the file called
  • Upload to FTP site. Be careful to not remove the file from the folder, rather just upload a copy of it.

4. Provide the password for the NPO account to the analyst who is handling your support case so that they can provide that information to development.   

  • Please do not put the password into an email or in the support case notes, this password should be VERBALLY given to the support analyst. You can tell the support analyst that you have the password and ask them to call you to get it.



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