How can I Re-Send Submitted Suggestions from DonorCentral back over to FIMS to be Re-Imported?
  • 18 Jan 2023
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How can I Re-Send Submitted Suggestions from DonorCentral back over to FIMS to be Re-Imported?

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Article summary

We recently had to restore FIMS from a backup and as such, we lost some grant applications. These applications had previously been imported into FIMS and processed and are in DonorCentral NXT, but now that the FIMS database was restored those grant applications are no longer in FIMS but they do still exist in DonorCentral NXT.

Is there a way to re-send those previously submitted recommendations back to FIMS so they can be imported again and we can re-create the applications in FIMS?



Yes, you can re-send suggestions back over to FIMS to be re-imported. To do that, do the following steps:

Be sure that you are not viewing as advisor. You need to be logged into DonorCentral NXT with a staff account with admin rights.

1. Log into DonorCentral NXT
2. Go to Control Panel\Site Administration\Recommendations\Submitted
3. Find the suggestion that you need to send back over to FIMS to be imported.
  • If you have several, you can use the filters to filter on status, Fund, Advisor, Grantee, Dates, or Multipayment in order to find the suggestions that you need to re-import.
  • Typically, a suggestion that had been imported into FIMS but not fully processed would have a status of Accepted
4. Click on the elipsis button to the left of the Suggestion
5. Select Change Status

6. Select the radial button for Pending
7. Click the Change button 

8. Now go to FIMS and open the Suggestion Import Window
9. You will see the suggestion in the window to be imported and then you can also create an application.

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