How do I change a profile type from Ind to Org (or vice versa)?
  • 19 Apr 2023
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How do I change a profile type from Ind to Org (or vice versa)?

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Article summary

I need to change a profile from an org to an individual or an individual to an org, how can I do that?


To change the Profile Type, you must copy the Profile and change the Type to the appropriate setting, combine the new and old Profile records, and then delete the old Profile.

  1. In the FIMS Profile Management module, open the Profile that you want to change to a different Profile Type.  Make a note of the Profile's ID Code.
  2. Click the Copy button on the toolbar to create a new Profile. Set the appropriate Profile Type on the new record.
  3. Click Save, and then make a note of the new Profile's ID Code.
  4. In the Profile Management module, select File Maintenance > Combine Two Profiles. The Combine Two Profiles window opens.
  5. In the Copy From Profile field, enter the ID code of the original Profile record.
  6. In the Copy To Profile field, enter the ID code of the new Profile record.
  7. Select the Change CC, Honor/Memorial, and Match ID Codes in Gift History checkbox.
  8. Click OK. A confirmation window opens to ask if you want to delete the Copy From Profile record. Click Yes to combine the records and delete the Copy From Profile record.
  9. Click Yes again when asked if you are sure you want to combine the Profiles.

You will receive a message when the Profiles have been combined.  Any records (Affiliations, Alternate Addresses, Contacts, Notes, Relationships, Gift History, etc.) connected to the old Profile will now be connected to the new Profile.


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