How do I change fund codes?
  • 25 Jan 2023
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How do I change fund codes?

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Article summary

I have set up a fund incorrectly and need to change some of the codes.

If you have discovered that you set up a Fund with the wrong code or you are in the process of revamping your Fund codes and you need to change some values, you can use the Fund Code Change tool.

Note: This process must be performed for one Fund ID at a time.

To access this tool, select Tools > System Utilities > Change Fund Codes.
  1. In the Fund ID field, enter the Fund you want to change.
  2. In the Fiscal Year range fields, you should enter your oldest fiscal year through your most recent.  If you have already created the General Ledger for the next year, be sure that the Through value includes that as well.   Under most circumstances the fiscal year range should include the oldest fiscal year in FIMS and the newest.
  3. Select the checkbox next to each of the Fund Codes that you want to change.  The Old Values will fill automatically.
  4. Enter the New Values for the code(s) you selected.
  5. Change Gift and A/P checkbox will update unposted records as well.  If this is a new Fund that was just set up and there are no Gifts, Grants or AP vouchers, then it is OK to uncheck the Change Gift and AP box.   It will not hurt to leave it checked in all instances.
  6. Click OK to Run the tool.
  7. The tool will run through all the modules with General Ledger accounts and change the portion of the account key that is appropriate.   Once the process is finished you will be able to use FIMS again. If you are uncertain whether the process finished, go to the Fund module and look at the Fund 1 tab for the selected Fund.   If it contains the new information, then the process completed successfully.   If the old information is still there, then something caused the process to fail.
Additional Tips for Changing Fund Codes:
  • If the process did not complete for some reason, you can rerun it. This situation is very rare, but it can happen if there is a power outage or other loss of connectivity.   Changing the values on the Fund 1 Tab is the final step so if you see the new values, the process was successful.   You should always confirm that the Fund 1 tab shows the changes.
  • If you are changing codes for a heavily used fund (e.g., operating or administrative fund, general endowment or unrestricted grant making fund), then it might be necessary to run this tool a different way.    Feel free to run the tool.  If there are issues with it completing the process, contact FIMS support.
  • Although not necessary, the process will run faster if you are the only person working in FIMS.
  • If you are changing the Fund Class value, there are other things you need to consider.   Because the Fund Class code determines the Chart of Accounts, you should run the GL account auto-build tool afterward. 
  • Click on Fund File Maintenance > Auto-Build G/L Accounts, select the Fund, Fiscal Year, and click OK.  This tool will not duplicate any accounts it already has.  It will only add additional accounts it may need due to a change in Class. 
  • You should also go to the General Ledger and do a visual check for the Fund's Chart of Accounts.  You may want to delete any GL accounts it no longer needs, or mark them inactive. If you do not want to change certain years and want to leave the existing codes intact for some years please contact FIMS Support to discuss your options.
  • We do not recommend that you change only certain years. Note: See the attached file for more tips and considerations.
  • If you feel it necessary to change only the current year, please wait until the previous year has been prepared for audit.  Changing the fund coding in only the current year might result in prior year edit reports encountering errors and it will be necessary to change the new year codes back to the old before continuing to work in the previous years.


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