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How do I change row color? When I right-click on a data grid, the row color option is grayed out
You can right click on a data-grid to change row colors
FIMS allows you to change the color of every other row in Full views to help differentiate between rows. The default row colors for data grids are gray and white. You can change the color of the white row (the gray row remains gray).
In Optimized views, all of the rows are gray by default, and if you change the color, it changes for all rows instead of every other row. This is a visual cue to help you determine whether you are looking at a Full or Optimized view.
You can change the color for all views on the supertab you are using, or for all views in all FIMS modules. You cannot change the color for one specific view. We recommend that you use similar colors for views within the same module.
TIP: Use different colors for the views in each module to help you visually differentiate which module you are looking at. This is especially helpful if you are running FIMS with multiple windows. For example, if you use yellow for Profiles, green for Gifts, and red for Grants, you can tell which module you are looking at with a quick glance.
NOTE: You cannot make color changes directly from a system-generated view or from a view created by another user. If you want to change the color for a system view, use the View Selection drop-down to open a view that you created and then use the following procedure to change the color. Once you save the change, it will also apply to any system-generated views in the supertab.