How do I change the date on a posted Debit Memo?
  • 27 Mar 2023
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How do I change the date on a posted Debit Memo?

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Article summary

I need to change the date on a posted debit memo, how can I do that?


There is a utility that will change the date on a posted debit memo.

It is recommended that you copy live to test and do run the tool in Demo first to be sure the results are correct.

1. Copy live to demo
2. Log into the demo database
3. Verify the Voucher Number for the debit memo in question

4. Go to Tools > System Utilities > Run Procedure

Run Procedure
5. Type in gui\ap\d-dmdate.w  in the procedure name line

6. Click OK

7. In the Debit Memo drop down, choose the debit memo in question for which you need to change the date.  In the date drop down, choose the new date that you need the debit memo to be:

The debit memo # and date below are just an example. 

8. Click Done


This will only change the date in AP history.  After running it you will probably also need to do manual journal entries to adjust the date in GL so the dates match.

9. Once you do all of the steps above in the demo database and verify that everything is correct in AP and GL, then log into live database and do the same steps.

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