How do I Create a Shortcut to Show Live Users that are Logged in?
  • 04 Nov 2022
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How do I Create a Shortcut to Show Live Users that are Logged in?

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Article summary

How can I create the show live users shortcut on the desktop of my FIMS database server to see what users are logged into my live database?


  1. Navigate to the desktop on your FIMS database server.
  2. Right click anywhere on your desktop and select New > Shortcut.
  3. In the field titled "Type the location of the item" paste the following: c:\npo\dlc\bin\_mprshut.exe c:\npo\found\dbfiles\found
  • Note that the NPO drive on your server may not be C. You will need to change the drive letter for the NPO folder to what it is on your server.
  • In the shortcut properties do not put anyting in the Start in path
  • Do not use the N drive, the N drive is only for workstations and terminal servers. The N drive should not be mapped on a database server unless using single user mode which would be rare.
4. Click Next.
  5. In the field titled "Type a name for this shortcut", enter the following: Show Live Users
  6. Click Finish.

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