How do I create recurring grants from fund distributions?
  • 03 Feb 2023
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How do I create recurring grants from fund distributions?

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Article summary

I have my fund distributions set up, but don't know how to create the grants from them.

Before running the Recurring Grants from Fund Distributions utility, you need to add Fund Distribution records.  See the following article for information on adding these records:
Creating Recurring Grants from Fund Distributions 

Click on File Maintenance for Grants\Recurring Grants from Fund Distributions. This procedure will select all the Fund Distribution records for the selected criteria, calculate the grant amount based on the settings in the Fund Distribution records, and provide you with a report. From the report you can then choose to create the applications. Once created, you can review and edit them in the Unposted Applications super tab, and edit and post when you're ready.

User tips on running the utility:

Next Action Date Through: Set the Next Action Date to the date this particular distribution should be made. When the report runs, it will select all the distributions whose dates fall on or before this date.

Calculations based on Fiscal Year/Period: If the amount of the distribution is percentage based, this is the fiscal period to be used as the basis for the calculation. The calculation defaults to the Available to Spend Calculation, but can also point to a Fund Balance (which could be the Available to Grant balance), thus allowing a percentage of the spending policy to be distributed.

Click on the Application Defaults button to set regular application defaults.  Click on the Defaults button to save the setup on your screen so you can easily load it the next time you want to run the procedure.

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