How do I export the field 'Individual Name (default)' under Mailing Labels as an option to include in a profile datagrid or user defined profile export?
  • 07 Apr 2023
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How do I export the field 'Individual Name (default)' under Mailing Labels as an option to include in a profile datagrid or user defined profile export?

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Article summary

I would like to export the 'Individual Name (default)' field in a data grid or the user defined profile export, how can I do that?


 The 'Individual Name (default)' field itself cannot be chosen for export in a data grid or the user defined profile export, rather it is exported out when you choose a salutation on the mailing tab in one of these processes:

User Defined Profile Export 

Address Listing with Labels and Email Report 

Export to Word Processing

The individual name that is exported out in the processes above depends on the following:

1. What fields are selected for mailing labels on the Salutations tab of the profile and what shows in the mailing labels section of the salutations tab

2. What salutation option is being chosen on the mailing tab of the export being used:

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