How do I obtain and use my FIMS on Azure Data?
  • 03 Sep 2024
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How do I obtain and use my FIMS on Azure Data?

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Article summary

If you use FIMS that is hosted on Azure, you may want to receive a copy of that data for your own use in the following scenarios:
 1. You are cancelling FIMS and would like to get a backup of your hosted FIMS database for your own use going forward after you stop using FIMS.
 2. You are not cancelling FIMS, but you would like to restore your FIMS data for use in a local on-premises environment.
 3. You are not cancelling FIMS, but you would like to have a copy of your data for archival purposes to store a copy.
 You may also have the following questions:
 In what format would the FIMS on Azure data be given to us?
 How can we use and access FIMS on Azure data once we have it?
 How can we use that data in a locally installed environment should we like to do so?
 How get a get a copy of everything in the S drive?


How to obtain and use your data from Azure:
 1. If you would like a copy of your data from FIMS on Azure and do not have or want to pay for a license for an on-premises environment, then you can extract your own data whenever you wish by doing the following.

  • Go to Tools>System Utilities>System Reports>FIMS Data Extract - this will export nearly every table in the database. Please see the following:

FIMS Data Extract

Note: If you want your data extracted in a different format, please reach out to support to start a Services engagement.
 2. If you would like a copy of your data from FIMS on Azure and you would like to use your own on-premises environment:

  • Your on-premises server must have Progress 11.7.20 installed. You will need to purchase a license for Progress on-premises. Please reach out to support to start the process for purchase.
  • Your on-premises server must have the latest FIMS version installed. You will need to purchase a license for FIMS on-premises. Please reach out to support to start the process for purchase. 
  • The database backup from Azure would then need to be restored to your on-premises environment. Please reach out to support for a Services engagement to complete that process.

3. If you are moving from FIMS to another NPact product and that FIMS data will be converted for use in another NPact software, your account executive and implementation person will advise on converting FIMS data to another NPact software.
 4. If you would like your FIMS data just to keep for archival purposes, we can certainly give you a backup file for storage. This request would need to come from an organization administrator of your foundation.

  • To get a backup of your FIMS database or contents of your S drive, please have an authorized person from your foundation create a support case for that request.


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