How do I Post a Gift or other Transaction without Affecting GL?
  • 25 May 2023
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How do I Post a Gift or other Transaction without Affecting GL?

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Article summary

I have an old gift or other transaction that I need to get into FIMS, but because it is older I do not want GL to be affected. How can I enter in a gift or other transaction without GL being affected?

To 'post' gifts and other older transactions to FIMS without affecting GL, there is a system setting to be changed that will allow that. Use caution when using this setting since after turning off GL nothing that gets entered into FIMS will posted to GL. This would be a temporary change in order to allow the posting of one or more one-off transactions and the setting will need to be turned back on after posting the transactions in question.

It would be best if no other users are logged into FIMS at the time of changing this system setting to be sure that no transactions were entered into FIMS and not posted to GL inadvertently.

To turn off GL posting temporarily, do the following:

1. Make sure all other users are logged out of FIMS
2. Go to Tools\System Utilities\System Initial Setup\Posting
3. On the bottom left in the section labeled 'G/L System Controls' there are four checkboxes that pertain to different GL functions.
  • Uncheck all four check boxes, or for example, if you are just posting a gift then just uncheck the first two G/L Active and Post Gifts to G/L since gifts do not go through AP.
  • If you are posting a grant then uncheck G/L Active and Post A/P to G/L since grants do go through AP.
  • For a pledge, then uncheck G/L Active and Post Pledges to G/L since Pledges will not go through AP.
  • If you are unsure, un-check all 4 boxes
4. Click Ok
5. Post the gift, pledge, grant or other transaction you wish to post without actually being posted to GL. You will note that the Gift, Grant or Pledge will move to historical, but will not actually be present in the GL upon checking.
6. IMPORTANT: Go back to Go to Tools\System Utilities\System Initial Setup\Posting and recheck all four of the G/L System Controls check boxes.
7. Verify that all transactions and GL are correct
8. After verifying that the system settings are turned back on and everything is correct, then the users can log back into FIMS.

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