How do I print out the content of my data grid?
  • 02 Feb 2023
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How do I print out the content of my data grid?

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Article summary

I have created a data grid, and would like to know how to print it.

If you want to print out the records you see in the data grid, follow these steps:
  • If you want all the records in the data grid to print, click the Process Selections button to the left of the data grid (looks like a gear wheel).  Report is the default choice.  Click OK, then click Run Report.
  • If you want to only print certain lines, you can tag rows to print.  To tag a row, double-click in the first column of the data grid until a check mark appears. 
  • After tagging the records you want, click on the Process Selections button and be sure to select Tagged Records Only.  Click OK, then click Run Report.
  • To add a title to the report, add it on the Send To tab. The report will display by default to the screen, but on the Send To tab there are other options to choose from.
  • Totals and Subtotals: To add totals and subtotals to your report (if there are values that can be totaled), select and add the available value(s) from the Total Columns tab.  Note that if you select a value to total in the Total Columns tab, you must select a value to sort and subtotal by in the Sorting tab.
  • To get subtotals, click on the Sorting tab and choose the value to sort by and subtotal on.  Be sure to check the subtotal box if subtotaling.

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