How do I run a create a Datagrid to exclude Non-gifts?
  • 04 Jun 2023
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How do I run a create a Datagrid to exclude Non-gifts?

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Article summary

I would like to run a Gift Report that would exclude Non-gifts.  Is there a way to do this?

When you run canned reports in FIMS, there are limited options as to what cam be excluded, including non-gifts.  In a Gift History report, each gift record has the potential to also have a non-gift component. We display the gift amount and non-gift amount in separate columns so you can use whichever value is needed for your analysis.

However if you create a “Full” Data Grid on the Gift History tab, you can exclude non-gifts from the output by including the FundDetailHistory table. Select on Tran Type “NG” and choose to exclude.
This FundDetailHistory table is also available on the Fund, Application History and Pledge History tabs, as well as User-defined Gift History Export.
The Tran (or Transact) Types available to exclude or include are:
GI = Gift
GR = Grant
NG = Nongift
PL = Pledge

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