How do I run a totals only report so I don't see details?
  • 02 Feb 2023
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How do I run a totals only report so I don't see details?

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Article summary

You can create a report without all the details, or totals only report, on some frequently used standard FIMS reports.

If the report has the option of having totals only, a Totals Only checkbox will appear on the Sorting tab to the right of the Subtotal box. To use this feature, you must choose a field to subtotal on. 
  • If you wanted to see total amounts given to each Fund for a particular year, you could run the Gift History Report
  • Select your Gift Date range. 
  • On the Sorting tab, select the Fundid to sort on,
  • Check both the Subtotal and the Totals Only options. 
  • Run the report.  
  • You will see only a total line for each Fundid and a grand total at the bottom (not each detailed gift).
 If you only check the Totals Only box (and uncheck the Subtotal box) you will just get the grand total line(s).

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