How do I set security permissions for FIMS users?
  • 18 Jul 2023
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How do I set security permissions for FIMS users?

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Article summary

I need to set security in FIMS for users, how can I do that?

In addition to setting user access to FIMS itself, you can configure security for menu items.  Only System Administrators can set this type of security.


In addition to setting user access to FIMS itself, you can configure security for menu items. Only System Administrators can set this type of security. You must log into FIMS as a user that is a system administrator

I. To edit Processes for a particular module:

  1. Go to Tools > System Utilities > Menu Security
  2. Click the arrow in the FIMS Module drop-down menu and select the module where you want to edit security
  3. In the Process Security section, select the process that you want to set security for.
  4. In the Access Permissions field, do one of the following:
    • To give ALL users permissions type an asterisk (*)
    • To give rights to specific users type their User IDs separated by commas (Do not use spaces)
    • To exclude specific users, type an exclamation point followed by the User ID you want to exclude followed by a comma and an asterisk. For example !userid,!userid2,*
IMPORTANT: Do not leave the Access Permissions field blank. If you do so, all users will be denied access to the selected process

II. To edit Menu Item access for users:
  1. Instead of changing the module using the FIMS Module drop down menu, navigate to what you want to change via the menu bar at the top.
    • Example: To change permissions for Affiliation codes within the FIMS Security window click on File Maintenance > Profiles > Profile Code Maintenance > Affiliation
  2. Once a menu selection has been made using the Menu Bar at the top the Menu Security box at the bottom left will populate a tree showing which Menu item you are editing permissions for
  3. In the Access Permissions box to the right of the Menu Security box, do one of the following:
    • To give ALL users permissions type an asterisk (*)
    • To give rights to specific users type their User IDs separated by commas (Do not use spaces)
    • To exclude specific users, type an exclamation point followed by the User ID you want to exclude followed by a comma and an asterisk. For example !userid,!userid2,*
IMPORTANT: Do not leave the Access Permissions field blank. If you do so, all users will be denied access to the selected menu

III. To edit access to a module on the FIMS main screen or to edit Supertab, Tab, or Button access for users in a module:
  1. Right click on the Module icon, Supertab, Tab, or Button you want to edit security for. This will open the Assign Security window.
    • Note: Right clicking on a tab will open a window with options for both Read Access and Write Access
  2. In the text box, do one of the following:
    • To give ALL users permissions type an asterisk (*)
    • To give rights to specific users type their User IDs separated by commas (Do not use spaces)
    • To exclude specific users, type an exclamation point followed by the User ID you want to exclude followed by a comma and an asterisk. For example !userid,!userid2,*
IMPORTANT: Do not leave the text box field blank. If you do so, all users will be denied access to the selected supertab, tab or button.

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