How do I set up ACH or RBC ACH payments in FIMS?
  • 26 Jan 2024
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How do I set up ACH or RBC ACH payments in FIMS?

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Article summary

We have never used ACH payments before.  What do we need to do to get the feature working?

Once the ACH information is added to the grantee profile, you can pay a payment using ACH and export out the ACH information from FIMS which you can then upload to your bank.

1. Add ACH account to grantee or vendor record:

Add and Edit ACH Accounts 

2. Select the checkbox 'Use ACH Account' on the grantee or vendor record and click save button on top left of profile:

  • Now when creating a grant for a grantee who has the 'Use ACH Account' checkbox checked on the Payee radio button of the profile, the ACH Payment box on the Additional detail radio button on the Application will be automatically checked.
  • Tip: If using many different processes for creating grants (DonorCentral, Imports, Copying from history or creating from Fund Distributions, etc), create a data grid to hold important elements like the ACH flag.

3. Once the grant is posted and you are ready to pay the ACH payments, go to Accounts payable to the Open Items tab and follow the process to print checks. For ACH, you are not actually physically printing the check, you will be just exporting the check data and then taking that exported file and uploading to the bank:

Print Checks

You will need the following items configured in FIMS
  1. Go to Tools > System Utilities > System Options > Editor tab
  2. Find the [System] section of the editor tab and add the following if not already added. You will need to obtain the values for each field from RBC:

(Note: You can only have one client number in the system settings. If you have one checking account for Grants and another for operating you will need to change this number each time you run checks. For example, if you have a number of grant checks to print, you will make sure that the client number for your grant checking account is configured in the system section, then print your grant checks needed. Then when you would like to print checks out of your operating account, then you would need to change the client number in the system section for your operating account then print your checks from that account.)


      3. Click Apply and OK


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