How do I skip gifts from a batch when processing?
  • 18 Jan 2023
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How do I skip gifts from a batch when processing?

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Article summary

We have a Gift batch, but we don't want to process all of them. There are a few gifts that we want to skip when we process them. How can we do this?

Steps To Duplicate:
1. Create gifts in the Gift Module and assign a Batch number
2. Go to Processes
3. Select "Gift Edit Report" and Run Process

You can do this a couple of different ways.



Method 1: Put the gift "On Hold"


In the Gifts module > Unposted Gifts Supertab > Gift tab

The "Additional Detail" radio button should be selected.

There's a checkbox that says "On Hold".


If a gift has that checked, when you go to run the Gift Edit Report, it will skip that gift In the batch. 


When it comes to process them again in the future, be sure to uncheck the "On Hold" checkbox.



 Method 2: Select the Gift number range before and after the gifts you'd like to skip.


  1. When you go to process the Gift Edit Report
  2. Choose the Batch number and make it the same for "From Batch" and "Through"
  3. Then select the range of Gifts BEFORE the number you'd like to omit.
  4. Click ok and post through
  5. Then redo the previous steps but select of range of gifts AFTER the number you'd like to omit.



For example:

  • If you had 10 gifts (for example) in a batch, but you wanted to omit Gift #5,
  • You would put Gift # 1 Through 4.
  • Then process.
  • Then redo the previous steps, but this time put Gift# 6 Through 10.

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